Many many thanks go to new foster-carers Jayne & family, who cared so well for beautiful bouncy Nala all through her first heat, her eventual desexing and recovery stage.

Nala had a ball with the family, was spoilt rotten and formed an effervescent relationship with the family’s older male dog Archie.

It became obvious that Nala would love a doggo companion, but possibly a younger dog who could match Nala’s endless energy.

When Steve rang, who had recently rescued a young traumatised male Kelpie, and was interested in providing Rusty with a companion, we picked up Nala and drove to Steve & families fabulous farm in Broadwater for a meet-up.

Nala and Rusty were an instant item… they played, they kissed, they cavorted, did I mention; they kissed!!… Nala forgot all about old Archie (who I’m told was glad of the rest) and fell wholly head-over for a younger man.

Nala and Rusty now play together for hours each day, they sleep hard and then both jump on Steve & Susan’s bed at the break of dawn for cuddles.

Nala also loves her beach visits and can outrun the farm quad-bike at 40k’s. She has found her slice of heaven and is gorging on it. Nala couldn’t be happier 💖🐶🐈💖

Check out this big bouncing bubbly bundle of beautifulness! ‘Nala’ is a 9-month-old female Kelpie x Border Collie.

She has been surrendered to us for re-homing due to being too much bubbly for a mum with young children who have to find a new home soon.

Nala is a stunner, plus she has the sweetest most loving nature 💓. She is fantastic with young children, adores other dogs and slept on occasions with a rooster. Cattle fascinate her, but she has been known to chase them playfully – the cattle of course were not impressed.

Due to very little training, she will need to embark on an essential and ongoing training regime.

Nala is a big, super energetic puppy. She quite literally bounces off walls, and can be so exuberant, she loses footing and tumbles down stairs and crashes into animate and inanimate objects in her way.

❗Nala has just gone into heat and due to a slightly folded vulva will complete her heat cycle before being spayed. ❗FOR THIS REASON, SHE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION UNTIL EARLY JUNE.

📮Expressions of interest can be sent to Shell by text messaging 0458461935. Shell will contact you after the 28th May.

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