14-month-old ‘Koda’, who has been renamed ‘Lemmy’, is now the pride and absolute joy of Tim, Christine and their 3 young children.

The big, gentle boy has settled into his new life with ease. He is incredibly respectful and calm with the kids and loves going to work with Tim, where he’s quickly gained the admiration of all the tradies onsite.

Tim says they can’t believe their luck, and they are incredibly grateful for meeting and adopting such an amazing dog! As the weeks pass, their love for Lemmy only grows stronger and stronger.


Introducing 13-month-old desexed male Bull Arab x ‘Koda’.

Koda is a BIG sweetheart; goofy, gangly, gentle and utterly loveable. He is comfortable left on his own, is laid-back and enjoys a calm environment.

Poor Koda was born in a shelter and lived there for close to 12-months before being adopted by a big-hearted couple from Yamba. They adored Koda, took him to adult obedience training for 6-weeks where he learnt to walk well on-leash and was deemed especially adaptable and responsive. Unfortunately, unforeseen personal misfortune struck the couple who have very reluctantly had to surrender Koda for rehoming.

So concerned for his well-being, the couple engaged their local vet clinic to help find him a foster-home rather than send him back to a shelter. Kindly vet nurse Keira and her partner even drove him all the way from Yamba to Brunswick Heads where Koda is now in BDR’s care with fabulous foster-carers Val & Annette.

Koda is great with children and lovely with other dogs. He became instantly enamoured of little ‘Angeji the Basenji’ with whom he played non-stop for 2-hours demonstrating temperate agility and complete submission.

Koda would make a lovely family or affectionate companion dog. For enquiries, please contact Shell on 0458461935.

MC: 991003000608934